Wednesday Aug 7th 13:10-13:50 Organ Recital by EDOA member Joel Colyer at Chingford Parish Church, E4 7EN
  Tuesday Aug 13th 13:10-13:50 Organ Recital by EDOA member Pavlos Triantaris at St George's Hanover Square, London W1S 1FX
  EDOA members - subs for 2024 (£15) were due after the AGM in February. We have been banking with NatWest for over a year. Please do not use the old bank details.
  EDOA members: newsletters will come out in April, July, October and January, i.e. a month later than previously
  Click here to see a video of the late Peter Smith’s prizewinning Solemn Sarabande for these Distracted Times played by Jonathan Dods on the organ of St Michael & All Angels, Bedford Park.
  Here is a scan of The Organ Loft , a booklet about the organs of Enfield by the late Michael Yeomans, a former organist of St John's, Clay Hill, Enfield.
  Be part of a movement to preserve organs and enhance their public availability. Sign up to Pipe Up for Pipe Organs (a registered CIO Trust charity).
  I hope all EDOA members will join our Facebook Group: Enfield & District Organists. It's open to all who share our interests.